Here is the submission checklist for HW #2 (similar to what they were for HW #1):

  1. Submit your team info to this form (link).

  2. Fill out the following HW2 Requirements Spreadsheet (posted on Canvas) and make sure it is it in your gitlab repo for HW2.  Follow the same guidelines for filling out this spreadsheet as you did for HW1 (the requirements here are hopefully even more straightforward from the assignment writeup than they were in HW1).

  3. Use gitlab to upload your code except the project name should be changed to erss-hwk2-<netid1>-<netid2>.  Push your code with a commit message of "finalize" when you are ready to submit for grading. Ensure that TAs and instructors are added as reporters to your repo.

  4. Make sure your Danger Log is also in your gitlab repo.  For your Danger Log and any readme you have, please make sure those are in Text file format (.txt) as opposed to .pdf or .doc.  Since we grade on a Linux VM, this will make it easier to read your documents.

  5. Set up docker for your submission

  6. Submit your gitlab link for HW2 to Sakai when you are ready to submit.  Only one person from the group needs to do this.

Please follow the above instructions carefully!

The structure could be like:





|—Other file or directory you have